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Picture of school buses at WBO & TMS
Troy 30-C 2024 Summative Designations Illinois Report Card Commendable School Troy Craughwell Elementary, Commendable School Troy Cronin Elementary, Exemplary School Troy Hofer Elementary, Exemplary School Troy Heritage Trail Elementary, Exemplary School Troy Shorewood Elementary, Commendable School Troy Middle School, Commendable School William B. Orenic Intermediate
Picture of Troy 30-C Don D. Bacon Administration Center with pumpkins and haystacks
Picture of 60 Troy 30-C staff members, board members, and community members at the October 5 Facilities Visioning Committee Meeting in front of a blue wall that says %22Troy School District 30-C%22
Picture of Troy 30-C District Office
Picture of Troy 30-C track
Troy 30-C Boardroom
Picture of Troy 30-C District Office in the spring

Mission & Vision

About Us

The Troy 30-C learning community will achieve excellence and will conquer the challenges of the future. Provide safe and supportive learning spaces, opportunities, for continued development and growth for staff, engaging partnerships with the community, where students can develop the academic, social emotional, and physical skills necessary to be life-long learners and productive citizens.

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Curriculum & Assessment

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Student Services

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Human Resources

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Troy Blue Testimonials


“Being troy means guiding our kids to be leaders of our future in a dedicated and positive way.”

~Michelle McCabe, 3rd Grade Teacher at Troy Shorewood Elementary School


 “I can't tell you what a difference it's been working here. I've been in education for ten years and I have never been as happy as I am here!”

~Tara Neill, Math Specialist at William B. Orenic Intermediate School


“To be Troy is to be all in. Everything we do is for the students and we do our best day in and day out to demonstrate that. It's taking pride in our work and showing it through our actions.”

~Matthew Stortz, Assistant Principal at Troy Middle School