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Virtual Backpack

Welcome to the Troy 30-C "Virtual Backpack." This is the location where you will find electronic copies of brochures and fliers that would typically be sent home in your child's book bag. All files posted on this website have been approved by Troy 30-C administration. The information that is posted to this site must be from a non-profit organization and must be of interest to the parents or students of the Troy 30-C School District. Specific questions regarding the events and/or information found on this site should be directed to the organizing sponsor/organization as this information or events are not sponsored or endorsed by Troy 30-C.

Organizations wishing to have their information posted on this site must:

  1. Be a non-profit organization
  2. Provide a service, activity or product that is meant specifically for Troy 30-C students
  3. Complete the Request to Post Information Form 
  4. Email a completed copy of the Request to Post Information Form and the brochure/flyer (the brochure/flyer should clearly state that the organization is a non-profit entity and that the activity/event/product is not sponsored by the Troy 30-C School District) to be reviewed for posting to . The format of the file should be Microsoft Word, Microsoft Publisher, Microsoft Excel or PDF

Questions regarding the approval process should be directed to the Board of Education & Superintendent Coordinator at (815) 577-6760.