Health Services
Troy 30-C is committed to supporting your child’s health and wellness. Registered nurses monitor students’ daily needs, maintain health records, and are available to answer questions you may have about your child’s health related to school.
- Troy 30-C Nursing Staff
- Health Exams (Physicals) and Immunizations
- 1st Day Exclusion
- Important Health Documents
- Eye Examination
- Vision/Hearing Screening
- Dental Examination
- Health Requirement Exemptions
- Illness
- Medication
- Homebound & Hospital Illnesses
- Student Blood Contact Incidents
- Abuse & Neglect
- School Immunization Reports
- Informational Links
Troy 30-C Nursing Staff
District Nursing Coordinator
Sandy Smith, R.N.
Craughwell Elementary School
Haley Sawa, R.N.
Cronin Elementary School
Laura Bolyn, R.N.
Kesha Lawrence, R.N
Heritage Trail Elementary School
Elisabeth Kacena, R.N.
Hofer Elementary School
Danielle Oppermann, R.N.
Shorewood Elementary School
Sharman Strode, R.N.
William B. Orenic Intermediate School
Amelia Stuart, R.N.
Lauren Todd, R.N.
Troy Middle School
Ashley Nickels, R.N.
Health Exams (Physicals) and Immunizations
All students are required to present appropriate proof that the student received a physical exam by a licensed physician, which includes all of the Illinois health exam requirements*, and the immunizations against, and screenings for, preventable communicable diseases within one year prior to:
- Entering Preschool, Kindergarten, or the first grade;
- Entering the sixth grade; and
- Enrolling in an Illinois school for the first time, regardless of the student’s grade.
*The required health examinations must include a diabetes screening (diabetes testing is not required) and a statement from a physician ensuring “risk-assessed” or screened for lead poisoning.
For additional information regarding the physical and immunization requirements for Troy School District students, please see the following documents:
1st Day Exclusion
Troy CCSD 30-C adheres to 1st day exclusion. Per School Board Policy 7:100- Unless an exemption or extension applies, the failure to comply with the above requirements by the first day of school of the current school year will result in the student’s exclusion from school until the required health forms are presented to the District.
Failure to comply with the above requirements by the first attendance day of the current school year will result in the student’s exclusion from school until the required health forms are presented to the school. Out-of-state students who register mid-term shall present a physical exam on day one (1) and will have 30 days following registration to comply with the immunization requirements.
If a medical reason prevents a student from receiving a required immunization, the student must present, by the first day of school, an immunization schedule and a statement of the medical reasons causing the delay. The schedule and statement of medical reasons must be signed by the physician, advanced practice nurse, physician assistant, or local health department responsible for administering the immunizations.
Important Health Documents
Please click on the links below to access important health documents.
Action Plans (Asthma, Diabetes, Seizures, Allergies)
Authorization to Provide Diabetic Care
Exam Forms (Physical, Dental, Eye)
Physical Form/Child Health Examination
Physical Form/Child Health Examination (Spanish)
Health Requirements
Accepting a Non-Illinois Physical
At-A-Glance Immunization and Exam Requirements for School Entry
Community Resources for Physical and Immunizations
IDPH Minimum Immunization Requirements
Miscellaneous Forms
HIPAA Compliant Medical Release
School Medication Authorization Form
School Medication Authorization Form (Spanish)
Eye Examination
Parents of students entering kindergarten or an Illinois school for the first time shall present proof before October 15 of the relevant school year that the student received an eye examination within one year prior to entry into kindergarten or the school. A physician licensed to practice medicine in all of its branches or a licensed optometrist must perform the required eye examination.
If a student fails to present proof before October 15 of the relevant school year, the school may hold the student’s report card until the student presents proof: (1) of a completed eye examination, or (2) that an eye examination will take place within 60 days after October 15th. Schools shall not exclude a student from attending school due to failure to obtain an eye examination.
A student will be exempted from this requirement if parents/guardians show an undue burden or lack of access to a physician licensed to practice medicine in all of its branches who provides eye examinations or a licensed optometrist, or upon religious or medical grounds as described herein.
Vision/Hearing Screening
Vision/hearing screening will be done, as mandated by the Illinois Department of Public Health, for the following children:
- Preschool
- Kindergarten
- 2nd grade
- 1st and 3rd grades (Hearing only)
- 8th grade (Vision only)
- All special education students upon evaluation or re-evaluation
- Students new to the District
Vision screening is not a substitute for a complete eye/vision evaluation by an eye doctor. A child is not required to undergo a vision screening if an optometrist or ophthalmologist completes a signed report form indicating that an examination has been administered within the previous twelve (12) months and that evaluation is on file at the school. If a vision examination report is not on file at the school for a child, he/she will be screened as indicated above.
Dental Examination
Illinois law requires that all students in Kindergarten, 2nd, and 6th-grade present proof of having been examined by a dentist within eighteen (18) months of May 15 of the relevant school year. Children may be exempt because of religious exemption or pursuant to a waiver for children who show an undue burden or a lack of access to a dentist, in accordance with the rules of the Illinois Department of Public Health.
Health Requirement Exemptions
A student may be exempted from the above requirements for:
- Medical grounds if the student’s parent/guardian presents to the building principal a physician-signed statement explaining the objection;
- Religious grounds if the student’s parent/guardian presents to the school nurse a completed Certificate of Religious Exemption, pending Superintendent approval;
- Eye examination requirement if parents/guardians show an undue burden or lack of access to a physician licensed to practice medicine in all of its branches who provides eye examinations or a licensed optometrist; or
- Dental examination requirement if the student’s parent/guardian shows an undue burden or a lack of access to a dentist.
The Department of Public Health states that children who have the following illnesses must remain at home for a required time period:
- Vomiting, Diarrhea, and/ or Temp 100.4 degrees and above - Students are required to stay at home for 24 hours after the onset of symptoms and must be symptom-free (without fever-reducing medicine) for 24 hours before returning to school.
- Continuous Excessive cough - Students are required to stay at home for 24 hours after the onset of symptoms.
- Pink Eye - Students are excluded for symptoms related to an eye(s) that is draining, itching, and/or appears pink, red, or swollen. The student must be on an antibiotic eye drop for 24 hours before returning to school and a doctor's note is required prior to the student's return to school.
- Chicken Pox - Exclusion and isolation are required for at least five (5) days after the eruption of the last vesicles or until the vesicles become dry.
- Measles - Isolation and exclusion from school for at least (4) days after the appearance of the rash. Student cases that choose not to get the vaccine, or are unable to be vaccinated due to medical reasons, should be excluded from school until 21 days after rash onset in the last case of measles in the school.
- Mumps - Isolation is required for five (5) days following the swelling of the glands. Susceptible close contacts should be excluded from school from days 12-25 after exposure.
- Lice - Any student having head lice will be sent home for treatment. The Nurse will examine the child's hair before being allowed to return to class. Students will not be allowed to resume bus transportation until cleared by the Nurse.
- Rash, Ringworm, Skin Conditions, Wounds - Students will not be allowed to attend school with any noticeable rash or skin condition unless a physician's note is on file stating the student's condition is NOT contagious. Any lesion or wound that shows signs of drainage must be covered.
- Scarlet Fever, Impetigo, or Fifth's Disease - Isolation is required. Students are excluded from school until seen by a doctor and will not be allowed to return to school until a note is received from a doctor stating the student is NOT contagious.
If any of the above-listed illnesses or symptoms occur at home, please do not send the student to school until the student is symptom-free for twenty-four (24) hours.
If any of the above-listed illnesses or symptoms occur during the school day, parents(s)/guardian(s), or emergency contacts will be contacted to pick up the student. Please ensure that there is someone available to pick up the student, in the event of an illness or injury.
Parents may be required to provide a physician’s note before a child returns to school if health-related absences exceed three (3) consecutive days.
If a student is unable to attend school due to illness, they may not participate in any after-school or extracurricular activities for twenty-four (24) hours after the onset of symptoms of vomiting and diarrhea, they must be fever free for twenty-four (24) hours (without the use of fever-reducing medications), and when applicable, provide a note stating they are not contagious. Other symptoms must be improved/resolved.
If your child needs to take medicine during the course of the school day, a completed Administration of Medication at School form must be on file with the nurse. This form is available under the Important Health Documents link on this page and must be completed by both the parent and the physician. All Medications must be brought to and from school by a parent/guardian. Additional information on administering medication is also provided on this form, and in Board Policy 7:270 Administering Medicines to Students.
Homebound & Hospital Illnesses
A student who is absent from school, or whose physician, physician assistant, or advanced practice registered nurse anticipates his or her absence from school, because of a medical condition may be eligible for instruction in the student’s home or hospital. A student who is unable to attend school because of pregnancy will be provided home instruction, correspondence courses, or other courses of instruction before (1) the birth of the child when the student’s physician indicates, in writing, that she is medically unable to attend regular classroom instruction, and (2) for up to 3 months after the child’s birth or a miscarriage. For information on home or hospital instruction, contact your child’s school.
Student Blood Contact Incidents
The Illinois Department of Labor adopted the federal Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OHSA) regulations on bloodborne pathogens. Students who are involved in a blood incident (exposure of a student's blood to any school district employee in any manner in which a student's blood could have penetrated non-intact skin, eyes, mouth, or other mucous membranes) may be requested to have their blood tested for bloodborne pathogens at the expense of the school district. Parents or guardians will be asked to allow their children to be tested. All laws pertaining to confidentiality will be followed. The OHSA regulations apply only to students who have blood incidents with school district employees. The OHSA regulations do not apply to students who are exposed to other students’ blood. All questions pertaining to this policy should be directed to the Superintendent.
Abuse & Neglect
Section 4 of The Abused and Neglected Child Reporting Act states " personnel...having reasonable cause to believe a child known to them in their professional capacity may be an abused child or a neglected child shall immediately report or cause a report to be made to the Department..., they shall notify the person in charge...that such report has been made." The report shall be made immediately by calling 1-800-252-2873. This number is the Child Abuse Hotline established by the Department of Children and Family Services for reporting child abuse/neglect situations.
School Immunization Reports
On or before December 1 of each year, every public school district and registered nonpublic school shall make publicly available the immunization data they are required to submit to the State Board of Education by November 15. The immunization data made publicly available must be identical to the data the school district or school has reported to the State Board of Education. (Source: Public Act 097-0910)
Immunization reports for all 7 Troy CCSD 30-C schools for the 2023-2024 school year can be found in the links below.
Heritage Trail Elementary School