Optional Donation List

  • The following list reflects basic recommended (not required for Preschool for All students) supplies used throughout the school year. With the exception of your child's backpack, PLEASE DO NOT LABEL SUPPLIES. The school will supply you with a take-home folder. If you would like to purchase additional supplies that are not on this list, please see your child's teacher. 

    Every child will need a backpack without wheels and large enough to accommodate a 9" x 12" folder. If you need assistance in providing a backpack, please notify the teacher.

    Please also provide one complete change of clothes - underwear, pants, shirt and socks - appropriate for winter and spring. Please send to school in a labeled zip lock bag with your child's name.

    Art Supply Donations (optional): You do not need to supply all of these materials. If you would like, you may choose a few to send in from the examples below.

    Cupcake liners, craft sticks, buttons, colored craft packing peanuts, fabric scraps, foam sheets, Styrofoam balls or blocks, wooden clothespins, feathers, glitter, pipe cleaners, scotch tape, packing tape, masking tape, hole punches, rocks or glass gems.